Food Scrap Recycling

 This is not backyard composting -- just another recycling stream in your home!

Food Scrap Recycling is an easy way to separate food scraps out of our waste stream. Once you drop off your scraps at the Village drop off site, a commercial composter will collect it and transform it into vital compost. You will see your trash decrease which reduces the pollution and costs associated with sending it to Westchester's incineration facility. It's clean and easy -- join us!

You can pick up your food scrap recycling kit from Village Hall Monday-Friday, 9AM-4PM. Kits are $25 each payable by cash or check to the order of the Village of Bronxville. This is a voluntary program. 

It's easy as 1-2-3: Collect, Transfer and Drop off

Just COLLECT your food scraps, STORE & TRANSFER in a secure bin and DROP OFF behind Village Hall for commercial composting.

Bronxville will be using the Scarsdale FSR model. Check out the video with information What, How and Why! Scarsdale Food Scrap Recycling Program - What, How, Why - YouTube 

The Food Scrap Recycling Kit includes a countertop pail, transfer bin, roll of compostable liners and an instructional guide.

Village Hall provides the kits that contain everything you need. The kit are sold to residents for the “at cost” price of $25.  You can purchase your kit at Village Hall or order it HERE and it pick up anytime during Village Hall regular business hours. 

Additional countertop pail liner bags can be purchased at $2 per roll of 25 bags. On average, a family of four will use 3-4 bags per week. Larger bags to line the transfer bin are also available at $5 per roll of 25 bags. These bags are not necessary since all your scraps will already be in smaller liner bags, but you may find them convenient.

You can also use your own bins and compostable liner bags for this program, however, liner bags MUST be certified compostable. Biodegradable is not accepted. Look for the BPI certified compostable logo! 

Residents can drop off food scraps at the designated drop off site at Palumbo Place behind Village Hall. Enter and leave via Midland Avenue. Once on Palumbo, please take a right into the parking lot, swing around to the left to drop off your food scraps, and continue left to exit Palumbo. You'll see the large Food Scrap Recycling sign and bright green drop off bins!    

Learn more about the program from our FAQs.

Why it is important to our community

Food waste is not trash: Food scraps are one of the largest components of trash sent to landfills and incinerators, however, food scraps are not trash. They are a resource that can be turned into useful compost. Recycling food scraps into compost captures their nutrients and energy and returns them to the environment.


Reduces trash and incinerator pollution: The FSR program will reduce the amount of trash the Village sends to the Peekskill incineration facility. Food scraps consist largely of water, which does not burn well, so removing them from the regular waste stream will allow the Peekskill incinerator to burn more efficiently—saving energy, reducing pollution and costs.


Creates food waste awareness: As residents begin to separate their food waste from the rest of their garbage, they become more aware of how much food they toss, often prompting them to buy less or change their usage habits. Ultimately, this can lead to less waste and potentially less waste management expenses.  


Provides a cost neutral solution: Westchester County is now subsidizing the cost of hauling which makes the FSR program “cost neutral” for Bronxville, meaning that what the Village pays to have food scraps trucked to the Peekskill incinerator as regular trash equals the cost of transporting them to a commercial composter instead.  The Village covers some additional minor costs associated with purchasing bins and signage.