Pollinator Pathways
In the past, we have asked one thing of our gardens: that they be pretty. Now they have to support life, sequester carbon, feed pollinators and manage water. – Doug Tallamy, Professor of Entomology and Wildlife, University of Delaware
The Bronxville Pollinator Pathways group is part of a larger regional network that includes much of Westchester County and far beyond.
Our goal is to link up pesticide-free native plant gardens to form pathways that pollinators, birds, and insects can follow in search of food and habitat.
Sharp declines in bee, butterfly and other pollinating populations are due to loss of habitat and nutrition from land fragmentation, pesticide use and climate change.
Public parks alone can no longer provide enough support to sustain these environmentally important populations. Fortunately, Pollinator Pathways in communities like Bronxville can provide a solution!
As a resident of Bronxville, you can contribute any way you wish -- putting one pot on your balcony, adding a patch of native flowers to your yard, planting a tree, helping with a community project or changing the way your yard is cared for.
We’re inviting every Bronxville resident to join! Participants will be able to place small yard signs to show how Bronxville is part of this important solution. We will also feature participating homes and public spaces on our Pollinator Pathway map of Bronxville coming soon!
Contact us with questions to get started!
Join a Local Event
There are many local events and resources to support our efforts. Please continue to check in as we add more and work to create our own Bronxville events.
Get Started!
Click on the steps below to learn how to transform your garden to a beautiful and healthy native plant environment. These are tips and resources you can do yourself or give to your gardener.
Landscape with Native Plants Plant native species are best suited for the sun, soil, and water conditions in our area and that can best support our pollinator population.
Check out our Gardening Design Tips & Resources for ideas for and resources for how to transform your garden.
Eliminate Pesticides Transition from dangerous toxic contaminates to organic or natural treatments.
Remove Invasive Species Invasive plant and flower species are non-native to our ecosystem and can cause environmental harm to our area and resources.
Why Pollinator Pathways are important to our community
Our pollinator populations are in crisis and we need pollinators!
One of every three bites of food we eat depend on pollinators.
85% of flowering plants need pollinators: our whole ecosystem depends on them.
In 2006 something happened: we went from losing 10-15% bee populations each year to losing 30, 40, 50% each year.
New York State has 400 bee species, but many are endangered; the rusty patched bumblebee, once common, has lost 90% of its population and range.
Without pollinators, we can’t feed ourselves. Insects, birds, and other animals that move pollen from one plant to another enable cross fertilization and promote the reproduction and growth of new plants. As a result, Pollinators are responsible for the reproduction of 80-95% of plant species on earth and more than 30% of our food.
Insects are vital. Scientists tell us that if insects go extinct – and many are currently endangered – then global natural cycles and systems will collapse. Famous entomologist E.O. Wilson wrote: "If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos!" Adding native plants to our gardens is a first step toward restoring biodiversity.
It is safer for you and your family. Creating a Pollinator Pathway garden ensures you are not exposing you and your family to dangerous chemicals found in pesticides.
It creates a beautiful garden in a small space. You don’t need to change your entire garden to make a positive change. Every plant counts! Even the smallest of available green spaces like flower boxes and curb strips can be part of a pathway made up of beautiful native plants.
Promotes environmental stewardship and education. With each resident’s participation, we are demonstrating Bronxville’s commitment to solving today’s environmental challenges and protecting what we love. Making small changes in our gardens and getting family and friends involved increases education and awareness for future generations and homeowners.