
Goals & Accomplishments

Bronxville Green Committee

Strong & Sustainable – Protecting what we love

Climate Smart Communities

Goal: Work within the NYS Climate Smart Communities (CSC) specified framework to achieve Bronze Status recognition and begin climate action planning with the commitment of implementing sustainable practices and lowering municipal and community greenhouse gas emissions.   


o   Greenhouse Gas Inventories of Municipal Operations and the Village of Bronxville

o   Identified sustainability elements in Bronxville’s 2020 Comprehensive Plan

o   Documented installation of EV charging stations and LED traffic signals

o   Documented installation of ground-source heat pumps in Village Hall, in 2006

o   Documented launch of residential Food Scrap Recycling Program, in 2021

o   Ran campaigns to reduce solid waste, including TAKE BACK DAY, and encourage recycling

o   Continued to update the Green Committee website, add social media posts, and expand resident communications

Recycling & Waste Reduction

Goal: Promote existing recycling rules and resources, and implement and support local programs to reduce waste.


Healthy Yards

Goal: Create awareness about how native plants and healthy yard practices support biodiversity, and provide resources to help residents transition to sustainable landscaping practices that protect humans, wildlife, and our environment.


Giving Garden

Goal: Help address food insecurity in our area by raising and donating vegetables to local food banks; promote the garden as a gathering and education center in our community.



Community Engagement & Outreach

Goal: Promote Village and Green Committee programs in the community, educate and engage residents about environmental best practices and develop partnerships with local organizations.
