Goals & Accomplishments
Bronxville Green Committee
Strong & Sustainable – Protecting what we love
Climate Smart Communities
Goal: Work within the NYS Climate Smart Communities (CSC) specified framework to achieve Bronze Status recognition and begin climate action planning with the commitment of implementing sustainable practices and lowering municipal and community greenhouse gas emissions.
Awarded Bronze Certification, the first level of achievement in the Climate Smart Communities program. Bronxville is one of three newly certified communities in Westchester; the others are Pelham and North Salem. New York's total number of certified Climate Smart Communities is 105 - nine silver and 96 bronze certified participating municipalities.
Members of the Bronxville Climate Smart Task Force worked for almost 18 months to complete and document twenty Action Steps outlined in the program and accrue 149 points, more than the 120 points needed to achieve this designation. The action steps included:
o Greenhouse Gas Inventories of Municipal Operations and the Village of Bronxville
o Identified sustainability elements in Bronxville’s 2020 Comprehensive Plan
o Documented installation of EV charging stations and LED traffic signals
o Documented installation of ground-source heat pumps in Village Hall, in 2006
o Documented launch of residential Food Scrap Recycling Program, in 2021
o Ran campaigns to reduce solid waste, including TAKE BACK DAY, and encourage recycling
o Continued to update the Green Committee website, add social media posts, and expand resident communications
Recycling & Waste Reduction
Goal: Promote existing recycling rules and resources, and implement and support local programs to reduce waste.
Promoted and expanded the Village residential Food Scrap Recycling program from its launch in December 2021 to over 150 participating households and 30 TONS of foods scraps collected.
Worked with the Bronxville Elementary School to launch a Zero Waste Program that included food scrap recycling in the lunchrooms and composting education; a community collaboration among the Elementary School Administration, High School Environmental Club, and Bronxville Village Green Committee; the project was supported by a grant from the Bronxville School Foundation.
Facilitated TACK BACK DAY in July and November with more than three hundred cars passing through for paper recycling by the county shredder, proper E-waste recycling and various donations to organizations, including Big Brothers Big Sisters of Family Services of Westchester and the Mt. Vernon Animal Shelter.
Healthy Yards
Goal: Create awareness about how native plants and healthy yard practices support biodiversity, and provide resources to help residents transition to sustainable landscaping practices that protect humans, wildlife, and our environment.
Coordinated efforts with local gardeners and Eastchester’s Pollinator Pathway group to start a native plant garden at Alfredo Park off Archer Place; added the garden to the map on HomegrownNationalPark.org.
Held a Fall community-wide clean-up and planting day at the garden to promote native plants and prepare the garden for future growth.
Joined a litter clean-up day in April.
Giving Garden
Goal: Help address food insecurity in our area by raising and donating vegetables to local food banks; promote the garden as a gathering and education center in our community.
Successfully grew and donated 300 pounds of produce to Eastchester Community Action Program in Tuckahoe & Community Service Associates in Mt Vernon.
Conducted numerous educational events at the garden with Eliza Frost School and the Reformed Church Nursery School.
Community Engagement & Outreach
Goal: Promote Village and Green Committee programs in the community, educate and engage residents about environmental best practices and develop partnerships with local organizations.
Conducted monthly Green Committee meetings to provide updates and solicit feedback.
Actively maintained bronxvillegreencommittee.org with updates on Village and Committee programs as well as state-wide initiatives and local events.
Increased social media presence and followers on Instagram @bxvgreencommitee.
Launched a new Village Compost Give Back Day in April for residents to pick up free compost in recognition of resident participation in the Food Scrap Recycling program.
Published twenty-one action-oriented articles in local publication, My Hometown Bronxville; contributed to Stroll the Square Mile; and appeared in April’s Green issue of Westchester Women’s Magazine.
Partnered with the Bronxville Public Library to create book displays raising awareness of Food Waste and Healthy Yard Practices.
Participated in the Village’s 100th Annual Memorial Day parade and the Chamber of Commerce Farmers Market through the Spring/Fall season.
Joined New York State Association of Conservation Commissions (NYSACC) and attended numerous industry and local conservation events to learn about programs and best practices.
Partnered with local merchants -- Soccer & Rugby store to collect gently used soccer gear for reuse and Rain Skincare to promote their Green Friday where 20% of sales were donated to the Bronxville Giving Garden.